Friday, 16 May 2014

End of 7 months

So long... Farewell

OK so it has been a normal thing for Cartoon 6& Comic Arts over the last 3 years. Every year come May , June we have had to unpack our stuff and move on. Mainly to new and larger rooms to accommodate the growing numbers. This was OK when we were in the first couple of years and every year we had a new intake. Our numbers were controlled by Graphics and Illustrations to approx 10 - 12 students each year. This year we went through the roof with the lifting of the numbers and we had 22 students in place where we couldn't ideal house them, or let the award grow. So hats off to the FACT (Faculty of Arts & Creative Technologies) Management team who realized the potential in the award and found us a space which they have assured me is the area in which we will grow and develop for the next few years. 

This was the class room at the start of the day, after most of the students had taken their stuff home with them.A few hours later and thanks to Becci, Connie and Verity (all girls) who were very good with screw drivers... strangely enough!! We managed to dismantle the tables and move them to an area ready for the Estates to move everything into our new place.

Image for Henrion Gallery Staffordshire University Stoke Site

Henrion Gallery 

Henrion Gallery Image. I asked Mark Garner Area Group Leader for Visual Communications to choose an image to represent the award. 
"the strongest ones are the ones with Speech bubble on them... without that they only work as images and don't really have any context----these ones are far more representational of CCA…..unless you put together a montage---which I think is what I would do with such diverse work…."
So this is what I knocked up. I think Mark is correct that we have such a diverse collection of people its hard to have one image that represents you all. I Choose Nigel Morey because it is quite dynamic, Claire Smith because is shows the draughtsmanship and also the process we under go as cartoon artist, and Verity Hall and Alice Urbino because of their different style and the use of panels and words. Finally Esme Baran work shows a different type or art in both colour and line work. I hope you all agree and appreciate that this was a very hard task and this represents the best solution to demonstrate the strength and styles of Cartoon & Comic Arts at Staffordshire University

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Degree Show

Cartoon and Comic Arts 
17th June 
5.30 pm 
Staffordshire University

This year we see the first graduating students from Cartoon and Comic Arts and we are in full swing. The amount of work that we are currently undertaking is phenomenal.

We are calling the event Issue #1 so if you are available, have spare change in your pocket and fancy a drink or three, then pop along.