Monday, 25 February 2019

My 24 Hour Comic Challenge Attempt

My Comic 

it is still a work in progress. But I was posting about it every few hours to let people know what I was doing. A lot of the idea was based on Scott McClouds book "Understanding Comics" but I added a bit more research as I wanted it to be basically illustrated notes for a lecture I did. It is based on Understanding where comics initially evolved from and the thinking of where this might lead us. After 14 hours I failed as my back went, but I do hope to finish it and get it printed to accompany my notes!

Below is an example of some of the pages that I posted online as an idea about what I can do to make comics and include them in my lecture.

The opening page/Cover.  

This is the initial idea to try and challenge peoples preconceptions about what comics are and where they can be found. 
One of the things that I've been wanting to do for a long time, is try to recreate some of the old Hogarth/Gillray political art from the 1800's - these are my rough attempts and hopefully the new ones will be shown in a later blog. 

Friday, 22 February 2019

24 Hour Comic Challenge

24 Hour Comic Challenge 

We try to do different things on the Cartoon and Comics Course and this year was no exceptions. The students (or some of them) wanted to try and do a 24 Hour Comic Challenge, to produce a 24 page comic in 24 hours!!! 
There was a mixture of 1st and 2nd years who attempted the challenge. (The 2nd years who wanted to do it were ill!) But that didnt stop the fun and entertainment as fresh eyed and full of passion we set out to complete the challenge!

To make sure the students had plenty of energy we had a supply of food - see below!

Student also brought in their own supplies as well!

All the pictures were taken at the start of the event, so we are all smiling!

I'll take the top comment back, it doesn't look like I was smiling in this one!

Gareth with wind! 

Conan raise approx £80 for a children's charity that sends pencils and colouring books in hospital for them to do while in there.